Pink Sock Initiative

CBFA Pink Sock InitiativeThe Calgary Bantam Football Association is proud to team up with the Canadian Cancer Society each year in our collective efforts to team up in the fight against Cancer.

There are more than 200 distinct diseases known as CANCER and when you choose to support the CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY you are fighting all of them.

We call this “The fight for life”. Thanks to our collective efforts over the years 63 percent of the Canadians diagnosed with cancer today will survive compared to just 25 percent in the 1940s.

Unfortunately, we all know Cancer continues to take a devastating toll in fact another Canadian is diagnosed with Cancer every three minutes.

The Calgary Bantam Football Association is proud to honor and recognize those that have been effected by cancer either now or in the past  and let them know they are NOT alone in this fight.

CBFA-PINK-SOCK-2021The PINK socks that all CBFA players wear on the first two games of October  ONLY, are a visible reminder to ALL of our CBFA league wide collective support for this cause. The CBFA will make a $3600 donation to the Canadian Cancer Society before the Opponent/Stampeder game the second week in October . The wearing of the pink socks and the financial donation to the Canadian Cancer Society gives our boys a clear message of the importance of looking beyond themselves by supporting and helping those in need who have been effected by Cancer.

Thank you all for supporting this initiative and please take the valuable time to explain to your teams why we do this.

CBFA Pink sock coordinator

Dave Harty